KurunegalaA royal citadel from the 12th century AD . Ruins of the castle, courtyards, ramparts and moat and several monasteries cover the surrounding areas. Ancient relics of Temples and Dagobas ,image houses and carved stone pillars are still visible. A modern Temple, Panduwasnuwara Raja Maha Vihara is situated at the center of the ruins with a Tempita vihara or “small temple on stone pillars and stone inscriptions from the 10th century AD.A interesting place for the culture vulture.
SRI LANKA, the resplendent Jewel that crowns the Indian Ocean, a multifaceted gem, which adds its splendour to all of...
Ayubowan! Welcome!
Ayubowan! Welcome!
Ayubowan! Welcome!
Ayubowan! Welcome!
Ayubowan! Welcome!
Ayubowan! Welcome!
Ayubowan! Welcome!